23 June, 2011

Missing menu icons in Eclipse (GNOME)

Recently, I noticed that Eclipse (and other programs as well) is missing icons from menu items. Following screenshot best describes the problem:
Firstly, I though that this was Eclipse related problem, but since other windows are missing icons too, GNOME was to blame. With a little help of Google, I found an easy working solution.

20 June, 2011

Background and Foreground process manipulation in Linux

Most crucial aspect of modern multitasking operating systems is to understand difference between  background and foreground processes. Process is just a technical way to call a running program. When you are interacting in some way with a process (using interface) or watching its output in a terminal, you call that process the foreground process. All other processes on your computer are either suspended processes (paused at the moment) or background processes (still running, but you can't interact with them).